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  • 电竞经理Scout带来最强英雄选择建议

    发布日期:2024-07-11 22:26    点击次数:132



    As a successful esports manager, Scout knows how important it is to have a strong team and a balanced roster of heroes. In this article, we will take a look at some of Scout's strongest hero picks and how they can help lead your team to victory.

    Tank Heroes

    Tank heroes are essential for any team looking to push through enemy lines and provide much-needed protection for their allies. Scout's top picks for tanks include Reinhardt, Winston, and Orisa.

    Reinhardt is a classic pick with his massive shield that can protect his entire team. He is also able to charge into enemy lines, disrupting enemy formations and opening up opportunities for his team to strike.

    Winston is a great pick for mobile teams, as he is able to quickly move in and out of combat while providing a shield for his allies. His ultimate ability, Primal Rage, can also cause chaos among enemy lines and give his team a chance to take the advantage.

    Orisa is a newer hero but has quickly risen in popularity. Her shield projector can provide cover for her team while her fusion driver deals steady damage to enemies. Her ultimate ability, Supercharger, can boost her team's damage output, making her a formidable ally in any fight.

    DPS Heroes

    DPS heroes are crucial for dealing damage and taking out enemy heroes quickly. Scout's top picks for DPS heroes include Widowmaker, Reaper, and Tracer.

    Widowmaker is a deadly sniper who can take out enemies from a safe distance. Her ultimate ability, Infra-Sight, can also reveal enemy locations to her entire team, making her a valuable asset in any fight.

    Reaper is a versatile hero who can deal immense damage to enemies at close range. His mobility and ability to teleport also make him difficult to pin down in combat.

    Tracer is a highly mobile hero who can zip in and out of combat, dealing damage and distracting enemies. Her ultimate ability, Pulse Bomb, can also deal massive damage to clusters of enemies and turn the tide of a fight in her team's favor.

    Support Heroes

    Support heroes are critical for keeping your team healthy and in fighting condition. Scout's top picks for support heroes include Mercy, Lucio, and Zenyatta.

    Mercy is a classic support hero with her healing abilities and damage boost. Her ultimate ability, Resurrection, can also bring back fallen allies and turn the tide of a fight.

    Lucio is a valuable hero for his speed boost and healing aura. His ultimate ability, Sound Barrier, can also provide crucial shielding for his entire team, allowing them to push forward and take the advantage.

    Zenyatta is a powerful support hero who can provide both healing and damage to his allies. His ultimate ability, Transcendence, can also heal his entire team, making him an essential pick for any team looking to stay healthy in a team fight.


    These hero picks are just a few of Scout's strong choices for leading a successful esports team. Remember to balance your heroes and pick a composition that works with your team's strengths and weaknesses. With these picks and some practice, your team could be on their way to becoming champions.

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